Hello All,
Great to see everyone on Sunday and thank you for you effort to come by 9:30 am. We’re improving! Can’t wait to get better :). Discipline is part of being a godly disciple as you know. Here is the guide/workbook we will be using this year. I fully recommend you acquiring a copy for your library. Once completed in a year, you will then have a tool to use for discipling your family, friends, collegues, roommates, etc.
Often it’s not the interest, but the lack of knowledge and skill that keeps us from making disciples. In a year of study, you will be able to have both the skill and the knowledge. Remember, wisdom is the skillful application of knowledge and biblical wisdom is the skillful application of biblical knowledge. see http://www.cccb.us/en/2019/02/eng-2-24-19/ Here are the main points: Have a blessed day making disciples :)!

Here are some questions you can consider:
1) What area of the 5 do you need the most help with? The least help with?
2) Is it hard for you to have F.A.I.T.H. ? Firm Assurance In Things Hoped for? Believing. Why or why not?
3) Is it hard for you to have H.O.P.E.? Holding On to the Promises of an Eternal–God? Expecting. Why or why not?
4) Is it hard for you to go against your feelings? To love God volitionally– act of the will? Why or why not? How can you get over this?
5) Is it hard for you to “jump into the water” and get fully engaged in serving God? Do you procrastinate?
6) What aspect of an secular culture is hardest for you to resist? How are you going to replace right thinking with wrong thinking?
7) What steps can you take today to become a better disciple or discipler for God? Knowing? Growing? or Going?