



《Today’s spiritual meditation》:  “I pray that your partnership with us in the faith may be effective in deepening your understanding of every good thing we share for the sake of Christ.” (Phm 1:6)

Meditation one: Do you agree that there are many people in the church who have faith in God but not enough love for people? This is not what God is pleased with. Those who truly have faith in God will also have loving deeds toward all the saints. Those who truly love the Lord are not necessary those who are full of Bible knowledge or even those who shout “Hallelujah” all day long, but those who have love and care for people. Those who love God must also love others; for we who do not love our brothers whom we have seen cannot love God whom we have not seen (1Jn 4:20).

Meditation two: What is your motivation today for helping others and having good deeds? Is it for the sake of Christ? Or is it it for yourself? Or is it for the purpose of being applauded, acknowledged, and rewarded? May the Lord search our hearts. Every good thing we share for the sake of Christ may be in secret (Matthew 6:1-4). God who searches people’s hearts knows who belongs to Him and who truly loves Him.

Prayer: Lord Jesus! We love because You first loved us. Please open my spiritual eyes and let me see my responsibilities in the needs of others. Lord, have I seen whether someone needs my help right now? I am willing to be used right there for You. I pray in the holy name of Jesus, Amen!
