


禱告:天父上帝,感謝袮應許耶穌再來時,要徹底地毀滅撒但。主耶穌的再來不僅掌王權,並迎接我們進入榮耀的國度。求袮幫助我 ,在等候袮再來前,我願為祢帶領人歸向袮,以免空手見袮面。奉耶穌基督的聖名禱告,阿們!

《Today’s spiritual meditation》:  “Rejoice over her (the evil Babylon), you heavens! Rejoice, you people of God! Rejoice, apostles and prophets! For God has judged her with the judgment she imposed on you.” (Rev 18:20)

Meditation one: Do Christians have to gloat when the enemy is in trouble? No, when the Lord comes again, God has determined the total destruction of the city of Babylon, the symbol of all evils. The joy of Christianity is not based on seeing the enemy being punished, but on witnessing the righteousness being brought forth, and the triumph of the truth. We should not sit and wait for the doomsday with the mentality of watching a momentous show, but take advantage of today’s opportunities to bring more people to the Lord, so that they can be blessed with the joy of revived life and the hope of eternity.

Meditation two: Is your faith being tested to a great extent right now? Have you been ruthlessly persecuted only for the sake of believing in Jesus? Or is it just because of holding fast the faith and hence bringing the suffering of inexplicable pain? God lives forever, He is faithful, and He has not abandoned you. He said, “Dear friends, do not be surprised at the fiery ordeal that has come on you to test you, as though something strange (seems to be very extraordinary events) were happening to you. But rejoice inasmuch as you participate in the sufferings of Christ, so that you may be overjoyed when his glory is revealed.” (1Pe 4:12, 13)

Prayer: God heavenly Father, thank You for Your promise to completely abolish Satan when Jesus returns. The return of the Lord Jesus not only holds His sovereignty, but also receives us into the kingdom of glory. Please help me. While I am waiting for Your return, I will bring people to You because of You, so will not be empty handed when I see You. I pray in the holy name of Jesus Christ, Amen!
