



《Today’s spiritual meditation》:  “Look, I am coming soon! My reward is with me, and I will give to each person according to what they have done.” (Rev 22:12)

Meditation one: Are you ready to meet the Lord Jesus when He is coming again? The first and the last, the pioneer and the perfect of the Lord Jesus repeatedly declared, “I am coming soon!” (v.7, 12, 20). Blessed are those who believe and obey the prophecy of the Lord’s coming again. (v. 7) He is sympathetic to our situations. He knows our weakness. Therefore, He revealed to us what must soon take place, that we can have more faith to wait for His return. Those who have not yet believed in the Lord should accept the salvation of Jesus Christ early before the gate of grace is closed. Those who have believed in the Lord should be faithful to the Lord’s Word even to the point of death until the heavenly journey is done.

Meditation two: Does the Lord Jesus’ coming back make you to adjust your outlook on life, values, and worldview? Does the Lord’s second coming let you see hope beyond suffering? Does the Lord’s coming again let you envision the better country of eternity from afar and seize the joy? The Lord Jesus clearly indicated that He would give to each person according to what they have done on the earth. Nowadays, are your behaviors, your thoughts, and your deeds well pleasing to the Lord? Have you glorify the Name of the Lord?

Prayer: Hallelujah, praise the Lord to make Your perfect creation, redemption, and revelation being known! You not only save us from death, but also give us Your promise of the hope of the life which is now, and of that which is to come — and share the glory of the Lord forever and ever. Oh Lord! Give me the faith of the apostle John, “Amen. Come, Lord Jesus”. (v.20b) I pray in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen!
