
默想一:你作基督徒的人生首要標竿是什麼?是去贏得更多的靈魂? 是去建立大教會?是努力廣傳福音?都不是,而是去單單「得主的喜悅」。你所行的、所說的、所作的、所思的有討主的喜悅嗎?我們的得救在乎信心,但得救後蒙主賞賜在乎行動。我們不能口稱耶穌為主,心卻要主作自己的僕人,命令祂替自己做事,利用祂來討自己的喜悅。



《Today’s spiritual meditation》:  “So we make it our goal to please him, whether we are at home in the body or away from it.For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, so that each of us may receive what is due us for the things done while in the body, whether good or bad.” (2Co 5:9-10)

Meditation one: As a Christian, what is your life’s primary goal? Is it to win more souls? Is it to build a great church? Is it to diligently proclaim the gospel? None of these is needed except only need “to please Him”. Have you pleased Him with your conducts, your sayings, your deeds, and your thoughts? Our salvation is in faith, but after the salvation, Lord’s reward is based on our action. We cannot acknowledge that Jesus is the Lord, but our hearts are making the Lord to be our servant, to command Him to do things for ourselves, and to use Him to please ourselves.

Meditation two: How will God value you when Christ returns? It is not how your work appears to be, nor how your service looks like; it is from your hidden side – the side that people do not know, but God will look at and value you. At that time our ministries will appear before the judgment seat of Christ. That is not about your salvation, but about what you have done after you have believed in Him. At that time each individual will receive his/her praise from God (1 Co 4:5).

Prayer: Thank God heavenly Father for You are Love. Because of Your encouragement in love, I am willing to respond to Your love with “doing all things to please the Lord.” I do not regard whether it is peace or danger, blessings or happiness, life or death. I only regard when You come back, I can profess that I am a person who pleases You. I pray in the name of the Lord Jesus, Amen!
