




Bible Reading: Luke 15.

Insight:  “there will be more rejoicing in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who do not need to repent.” (Luk 15:7)

Insight one: Is your salvation today the result of you found God? Or is it the result that God found you? Don’t forget, Jesus the Great Shepherd paid the price of being crucified and shedding of blood on the cross for you and me. The Lord Jesus came to find and save the lost. We should thank Him for the birth and salvation of the Lord Jesus.

Insight two: Can’t you feel the love in this world while you get lost? Or can’t you see any daybreak in the darkness? In fact, the Lord has not forgotten you. He sees you as the precious lost sheep among a hundred of sheep. In fact, the Lord Jesus is not far from you. He has been knocking outside the door of your heart. He is waiting for you to open it and entering into your heart. He truly cares about you. The question is, do you want to repent now and accept His love?

Prayer: Abba Father, thank You for the love You have manifested in Christ. How wide and long and high and deep is Your love, I am willing to live out my faith, hope, and love with thankfulness every day. Let people experience Your peace, joy and hope through me. I pray in the name of the Lord Jesus. Amen!
