

默想一:你曾見過對神大有信心的人,卻對人的愛麻木嗎?這不是神所樂見的。凡真實向神有信心的人,也必對人有愛心的行動。真正愛主的人,並不是那些滿腦子是聖經知識,甚至也不是那些整日嘴裡喊著“哈利路亞”的人,而是對人有愛與關懷行動的人。我們若不愛所看見的弟兄,就不能愛看不見的神 (約一4:20)



Bible Reading: Philemon

Insight:  “I pray that your partnership with us in the faith may be effective in deepening your understanding of every good thing we share for the sake of Christ.” (Phm 1:6)

Insight one: Have you ever seen someone who has great faith in God but has no feeling toward loving others? This is not what God is pleased to see. Those who truly have faith in God will also have loving deeds toward others. Those who truly love the Lord are not necessary those who have a lot of Bible knowledge or even those who shout “Hallelujah” all the time, but those who have love and care for people. For we who do not love our brothers whom we have seen cannot love God whom we have not seen (1Jn 4:20).

Insight two: Is your faith a living one? Or is it dead? Faith alone without deeds is not a comprehensive faith; faith must have deeds to comprehend it. If our faith apart from deeds, we will live in vain in this world and just like walking dead. A living faith does not need to be spoken out, others can see it and feel it. People who have faith will bear the fruit of the Holy Spirit from them. God who searches people’s hearts knows who belong to Him, and they are those who live out their deeds worthy of their faith.

Prayer: Thank God! We love because You first loved us. Please open my spiritual eyes and let me see my responsibilities in the needs of others. May the Holy Spirit open up my spiritual ears and let me hear where there is a need. I would like to help them in time of need. I pray in the holy name of Jesus, Amen! 
