


默想二:基督徒信仰的危機是什麼?不在於否認救恩的功效,而是在於忽略它。 忽略就是根本不把救恩當作一回事,也沒有用信心接受它。許多人在對待靈魂、靈命及救恩的問題上,總是掉以輕心!有些事情被忽視以後只會產生暫時的不良後果,但忽視靈魂的後果是永恆的。忽視靈魂得救的結果,不僅不可能逃過神的審判(約3:18),也不可能逃避神的震怒(約3:36)。

禱告:感謝天父,因祢奇妙的救恩臨到我這卑微的人。袮所成就的是遠超過我所求所想。是袮奇妙的救恩使我的罪得赦免(徒13:38-39)、得潔淨(約一1:7)、得永生 (約一書5:11-12)、得平安(腓4:7)、蒙恩惠 (林後9:8)、有喜樂 (彼前 1:8)。求袮幫助我,我要以感恩的心回應袮的大愛,跟人分享我的救恩之樂。奉耶穌基督的名禱告,阿們! 

Bible Reading: Hebrews 2

Insight:  “how shall we escape if we ignore so great a salvation?” (Heb 2:3)

Insight one: Why is God’s salvation so great that we shall not ignore it? It is because God paid a great price to save us. He sacrificed His only begotten son Jesus on the cross for our sins. God’s salvation is complete, infinite, eternal, and endless. Through Jesus Christ on the cross, God has solved the problem of sin that human cannot solve. Now is the time for you to solve a problem: how do you perceive Jesus? By faith, are you willing to accept Him as your personal savior? Or continue to reject Him?

Insight two: What is the crisis of a Christian’s faith? It is not about denying the power of salvation, but about ignoring it. Ignoring means a total neglect of the salvation, a failure of accepting it with faith. Many people treat the issue of soul, spiritual life and salvation lightly all the time! Certain been ignored things will only bring short-term adverse consequences, but the consequences of ignoring the soul are eternal. Ignoring the results of the salvation of the soul not only impossible to escape God’s judgment (Joh 3:18), but also impossible to escape God’s wrath (Joh 3:36).

Prayer: Thank God heavenly Father for Your wonderful salvation that even came to a lowly person like me. What You have given is far more than what I may be able to expect. It is Your wonderful salvation that makes my sins be forgiven (Act 13:38-39), be cleansed (1Jn 1:7), have eternal life (1Jn 5:11-12), have peace (Php 4: 7), find grace (2Co 9:8), and have joy (1Pe 1:8). Help me to respond to Your love with thankfulness and share my joy of salvation with others. I pray in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen!
