

默想一:人為什麼怕死?是因為犯罪的結果。而怕死的人就永遠地作魔鬼的奴役。但感謝神,神的兒子主耶穌基督到世上來,為我們的罪被釘死在十字架,祂藉著死,敗壞了那掌死權的魔鬼。 又復活了,叫一切信祂的不至滅亡,反得永生。死對基督徒,不是生命的終結,而是進入榮耀的開始,並與天父永遠同在。未信的人,仍然受死的轄制,更恐怖的是,到那日就是在公義審判的主面前,被判永刑的人,連求死都死不得。

默想二:人死了不就是如燈滅嗎?不是的,聖經講得很清楚:「人人都有一死,死後且有審判」(來9:2 7)。朋友們,神「願意萬人得救,明白真道」(提前2:4)。當趁著還有「今日」,悔改歸向主,你不僅會得新生命,也同時得永恆的生命。


Bible Reading: Revelation 9.

《Today’s spiritual meditation》:  “During those days people will seek death but will not find it; they will long to die, but death will elude them. “ (Rev 9:6)   

Meditation one: Why are people afraid of death? It is because of the consequence from sin. Those who are afraid of death will always become the slaves of the devil. But thank God, the Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, came to the world and was crucified on the cross for our sins. By his death, He breaks the power of it that holds the power of death— the devil. Jesus rose again, and whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life. For Christians, death is not the end of the journey of life, but the beginning of entering into the glory and to be with the heavenly Father for ever and ever. The unbelievers are still under the bondage of death. What is even more terrifying is that on that day, in front of the Lord of righteous judgment, those who have been judged to go into eternal punishment will not find death.

Meditation two: Is the death of a person just like an extinguished lantern? No, the Bible says very clearly: “as people are destined to die once, and after that to face judgment.” (Heb 9:27) Friends, God “wants all people to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth.” (1Ti 2:4) When you still have “Today”, repent and turn to the Lord, you will not only have a new life, but also a life of eternity.

Prayer: God heavenly Father, thank You for giving me the eternal life. Just because I have the assurance of eternal life, every day of my life is full of faith, hope, and love. Help me; give me a heart of loving. I will share the gospel throughout the rest of my life. Also ask You to give me a sensitive heart and see the needs of the people around me. Let me share the blessings of the gospel with more people. I pray in the name of the Lord Jesus, Amen!
