




Bible Reading: Joshua 6

Insight:  “Shout! For the LORD has given you the city (Enemy’s last defending line Gilgal)!” (Jos 6:16)

Insight one: Why can a Christian boldly declare victory when faced with any difficulties and challenges? It is because we have unconditionally “trust and obey” to God! We simply go ahead and sing the triumphant song of victory and the song of thanksgiving, because He has handed over the huge obstacle (the fortified city of the enemy) to us.

Insight two: Is it easy to have true obedience? It is not easy! However, it requires to practice. What God wants is our inner surrender. Only when you obey God from inside, obedience on the outside then has sensible meaning. When we obey God without any doubt, God stretches out the hand of warrior; when one obeys God, God stretches out Hs mighty hand.

Prayer: Lord Jesus, thank You for giving me the assurance of victory. My faith is not enough, please help me. I am willing to accept Your tempering, shaping, carving, and renewing until I surrender to you wholly. It’s not easy to walk on the heavenly path, but I believe that with Your accompany, I will be able to conquer, and I will be more than victorious. I pray in Your precious and awesome name. Amen!
