《今日靈修默想》:萬軍之耶和華說:「不是依靠勢力,不是依靠才能,乃是依靠我的靈方能成 事。」(撒迦利亞書 4:6b) 

默想一:基督徒過得勝生活的秘訣是什麼?不是仗著你信主多久,也不是你有特出的恩賜,也不 是憑著你豐富的人生經驗,這些都不能為主成就任何屬靈的大事。我們是靠聖靈而生,就得靠聖 靈行事(加 5:25)。只有謙卑在聖靈的引導之下,讓聖靈充滿並管理的人,才能過得勝的生 活。。 

默想二:今日教會最大的危機是什麼?不是沒有組織、人才、金錢與資源,也不是沒有方法、策 略、技巧,而是沒有能力 — 對家庭沒有幫助,對社會沒有見證,對世界沒有影響力。這都是與教 會不「依靠」聖靈有關。教會是屬靈的國度,只有聖靈充滿的教會,能帶來喜樂、能力和釋放, 使弟兄姐妹經歷到上帝的愛。有聖靈工作的教會,會使那「在黑暗中行走的百姓,看見了大光; 住在死蔭之地的人,有光照耀他們」(賽 9:2)。 

禱告:天父上帝,感謝袮賜下聖靈成為我們隨時的幫助與力量。求袮幫助我,因屬靈的事情只有 靠祢的靈方能成就。求袮教導我,藉著每日的靈修生活,讓我全然地順從聖靈每時每刻的引導, 並照袮的旨意生活。奉耶穌基督的名禱告,阿們! 

《Today’s spiritual meditation》: “‘Not by might nor by power, but by my Spirit,’ says the LORD Almighty.” (Zec 4:6b) 

Meditation one: What is the secret of a Christian living a victorious life? Not because of how long you have believed in the Lord, nor because of your special gifts, nor because of your abundant life experience, none of these things can accomplish any great spiritual things for the Lord. Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit. (Galatians 5:25). Only those who are humbled under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, filled with and ruled by the Holy Spirit can live victorious lives. 

Meditation two: What is the biggest crisis in today’s church? It is not that there is no organization, talent, money and resources, nor lack of plans, strategies, and skills, but that there is no ability — no help to the family, no witness to the society, no influence to the world. It all has to do with the church not “relying” on the Holy Spirit. The church is a spiritual kingdom, and only a church filled with the Holy Spirit can bring joy, power, and relief, so that brothers and sisters can experience God’s love. A church with the work of the Holy Spirit will bring “The people walking in darkness have seen a great light; on those living in the land of deep darkness a light has dawned ” (Isaiah 9:2). 

Prayer: God Heavenly Father, thank You for the Holy Spirit to be our present help and strength at all times. Please help me, for spiritual things can only be done by Your Spirit. Teach me, through my daily devotional life, in every moment, to fully submit to the leading of the Holy Spirit and to live according to Your will. I pray in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen! 
