

默想二:基督徒要如何『尊主日為聖』?首先要『尊主基督為聖』。就如聖經所說的:『只要心裡尊基督為聖』(彼前3:15) 這表明我們願意聽祂的話,接受祂的命令,遵行祂的旨意,來達到祂的期待、祂的要求和標準。基督徒看中『尊主日為聖』,因為我們在地上敬拜時,同時也加入了天上永恆的敬拜。今天我們在地上的敬拜直接與天上的敬拜有關,屆時我們將與從各族各方、各民各國的弟兄姐妹齊來讚美主,直到永遠。 


《Today’s spiritual meditation》: “Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy.” (Exo 20:8) 

Meditation one: What is the purpose of God’s command to “remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy”? It is for us to enjoy the rest in the presence of God, and through the holy day we can concentrate on worshiping God, meditating on God, enjoying God, praising God, and thanking God. Since the Old Testament times, Jews have always observed Saturday as the Sabbath day. But Jesus came and brought us into the age of grace of the new covenant, and through His salvation gave the Sabbath day a whole new meaning. 

Meditation two: How can Christians “Keeping the Lord’s Day holy”? First of all, “honor Christ the Lord as holy “. As the Bible says: “But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord” (1 Peter 3:15). This shows that we are willing to listen to His words, accept His commands, do His will, to meet His expectations, His requirements and standard. Christians value “Keeping the Lord’s Day holy” because when we worship on earth, we also join the heavenly eternal worship. Our worship on earth today is directly related to the worship in heaven. At that time, we will praise the Lord with our brothers and sisters from all tribes, all tongues, all peoples and all nations forever and ever. 

Prayer: God Heavenly Father, I want to praise You. Because You established the Sabbath day for the needs and benefits of all of us. Since the Lord Jesus is the Lord of the Sabbath, I will cherish every Sunday’s worship and regard it as an essential appointment with You. I also want to consecrate this day to You, and do things that can please You on this day. I pray in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen! 
