



“Today’s spiritual meditation”: 『The God we serve is able to deliver us from it, and he will deliver us from Your Majesty’s hand. But even if he does not … that we will not serve your gods. 』 (Daniel 3:17-18) 

Meditation one: Are you surely believe the God you serve? Usually we may say that Christ is the Lord of my life, and we may say that Christ is our daily life’s Lord. But when tribulations and persecutions come, can you still believe that Jesus Christ is all things to you? Will you still worship the Lord who saved you, died for you, and rose again for you? Daniel’s three friends, who determined to die under that situation, insisted not to worship the image of gold. Even if God did not save them, their faith in God remained firm. Indeed, they witnessed the presence of God in the blazing fire. 

Meditation two: What is Christianity’s faith? Not self-confidence or human will, but God-given. Our faith is based on the knowledge of God, the deep reliance and assurance of His promises. Our God will keep His promises despite circumstances against us, even if He does not lead us in our time, manner, and expectation, we believe that He has a better purpose than ours. Like Abraham, even though God did not go the way he expected, Abraham still trusted in God wholly. 

Prayer: God Heavenly Father thank You, You do not despise me because of my lack of faith, You sustain me with infinite patience, How willing You are to see me eager for the growth of faith. Give me the faith of “even does not,” a faith that grows, a faith that stands the test of time. Help me, Lord, so I can live a daily life “by faith, not by sight” (2 Corinthians 5:7). I prayer is in the name of the Lord Jesus, Amen! 
