今日靈修默想:『但以理知道這禁令蓋了玉璽,就到自己家裡(他樓上的窗戶開向耶路撒冷),一日三次雙膝跪在他 神面前,禱告感謝,與素常一樣。』(但6:10) 

默想一:禱告在你的生活裡很重要嗎?但以理遭政敵陷害,他們在但以理身上找不出把柄,就從他的禱告指控他違法他們設計的禁令。然而但以理繼續堅持他日常的感恩禱告生活。這表明他對神的信靠是始終不變的。他像保羅說的『 不住地禱告;凡事感謝;這就是上帝在基督耶穌裏對於你們的旨意。』(帖前5:17-18) 



“Today’s spiritual meditation”: “Daniel knew that this prohibition was covered with a jade seal, and he went to his own house (his upstairs window opened to Jerusalem), and fell on his knees three times a day before his God, praying and giving thanks, as he always did. “ (Daniel 6:10) 

Meditation one: Is prayer essential in your life? Daniel was framed by his political opponents, and they couldn’t find any fault in Daniel, so they accused him of breaking the ban they devised from his prayers. Yet Daniel continued to stand firm in his daily life of thanksgiving prayers. This shows that his trust in God is firm. As Paul said, “pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.” (1 Thess. 5:17-18) 

Meditation two: Why did Daniel have such great faith in times of crisis? Because of his daily fellowship with God, he naturally had true knowledge of God, so he developed great faith in God and realized that God is his only savior. Daniel’s prayer came at a price. He chose suffering and death for God’s sake, showing his total obedience to God. 

Prayer: God Abba Father, I want to sing praises to You, because You are the stronghold of my life and my help at all time in times of trouble. I ask Your Holy Spirit to fill in me and guide me. I am willing to submit to Your guidance. No matter how difficult the circumstances are, I will take refuge in You bravely; no matter how busy my life is, I will maintain my daily spiritual meditation. I pray in the precious name of the Lord Jesus, Amen! 
