



代禱: 為所有疲於奔命的醫護人員禱告,賜他們夠用的防護器材。也為醫生/專家能早日研發疫苗及特效藥。求神賜他們有健康的身心靈。

Tuesday《Today’s spiritual meditation》: “The stone the builders rejected has become the cornerstone.” (Mar 12:10)

Meditation one: Is the foundation of your life firm? A building must have a solid foundation. The corner stone must be positioned correctly, as the rest of the stones will be built along it with the alignment of the corner stone of the house. The religious leaders of Jews thought to be the craftsmen who built the kingdom of heaven, but as a result of their rejection of Christ, they instead crucified Him on the cross. Yet God resurrected Him and made Him “the cornerstone of the house.”

Meditation two: Where do you build your foundation of faith upon? Is it built on interpersonal relationships, or churches, or Pastors, or missionaries, or theologians? Faith will collapse sooner or later if it is built over people! Jesus Christ is the corner stone of our lives, and is the very only foundation. If I deviate from this stone, then all spiritual pursuits and piety will perish eventually.

Prayer: Abba heavenly Father, thank You for having laid the foundation in Christ. You sacrificed Jesus, Your only begotten son and gave His life on the cross for our sins. All You have done revealed Your love. In response to Your love, I want to focus my life upon Jesus and follow Him throughout. I pray in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen!

Intercession: Pray for all the exhausted medical staffs and let them receive adequate protective equipment. Also pray God to give them healthy bodies, minds, and spirits so the doctors/experts can quickly develop vaccines and effective medicines.
