《Today’s spiritual meditation》: “If one part suffers, every part suffers with it; if one part is honored, every part rejoices with it.” (1Co 12:26)
Meditation one: Why one member in a Church suffers or is honored, and the whole Church feels the same way? This is because our life and spirit are in one unity in Christ. If you have no feeling about the honor or humiliate of a member, it means that you are not in the body of Christ. The specific manifestations of Christians’ communion in spirit are: sharing sufferings together and sharing joys together.
Meditation two: Although our gifts, duties, roles, and functions given by the trinity God are very different, but under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we can surpass all the differences, love one another, care for each other, encourage one another, submit to one another, serve one another in Christ, grow in love, and testify the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace, while the ultimate goal is to honor the name of the Lord.
Prayer: God heavenly Father, thank You for giving me a big spiritual family. Please give me wisdom so I know what I have to do in this family. Please also allow me to learn to take the initiative to care for those in need in the Church, to empathize with their weaknesses, to understand their situation, and to give them practical assistance. I would also like to share with them the joys from the Lord. I pray in the victorious name of the Lord Jesus, Amen!