



《Today’s spiritual meditation》:  “Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be courageous; be strong. Do everything in love.” (1Co 16:13-14)

Meditation one: When Christians face the power of the darkness, heresies, social chaos, moral corruption, and the breakdown of marriage at the end of days, are we going to retreat, compromise, and give up? God does not want us to follow the values and trends of this world. On the contrary, He wants us to watch and guard, because there are more and more false prophets, false teachers. We must work diligently in God’s Word, write the Word of God on the tablet of our hearts and ponder over in order to stand firm in the truth, to grow maturity in spirit, and be strong in all things.

Meditation two: For Christians, Is it enough to just fulfill their responsibilities of defending, adhering, practicing, and witnessing in the truth? We must also fulfill the responsibility of showing the love of Christ in our lives, and do all things with love as our starting point. When Christians look after each other in love and care for one another, not only does not leave an attackable spot for Satan, but let others see that we are disciples of Christ.

Prayer: God heavenly Father, thank You for your love and salvation. Our world has been becoming darker and more anxious. But being in Christ, You have given us the assurance of victory. May God help us to shine for You in the darkness, to reveal the truth of You in the wanders, and to show your strength among the weaknesses. Please guide me, I would like to press on Your truth and, through daily Bible reading and praying to walk with God. I pray in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen!
