《Today’s spiritual meditation》: “Since you died with Christ to the elemental spiritual forces of this world, why, as though you still belonged to the world, do you submit to its rules:“Do not handle! Do not taste! Do not touch!”?” (Col 2:20-21)
Meditation one: Let’s ask, will a dead follow the traffic laws? Surely this won’t happen! The dead cannot obey the laws of the Old Testament. The general law no longer judges after a person dies, because the dead cannot submit to it. If we really have the life, which died and been raised together with Christ, then we can be released from those rituals, regulations, and rules that led us to death in the past, thus enter into a whole new life. This new life is given to us by God in Christ, and is led by the Holy Spirit. Our lives will flourish and grow.
Meditation two: If Jesus Christ is the Lord of the church, do you obey His will? When we hold firmly to Christ who is the head, let Him be the supremacy in everything, then the whole church will be knitted together as well as help one another through Christ. God promises will be with the church and use the church as his witness to the world. We must never let any person, thing, matter, tradition, convention, or administration take the place of the Lord’s glorious position in the church. He is the Lord, manifesting that He is everything of a church.
Prayer: God heavenly Father, thank You for saving us through the power of the resurrection of Jesus Christ that releases us and made us free. May You send the Holy Spirit to be my help in time of need. I would like to hold firmly on to Jesus Christ as my head at all time, whether at church, school, home, work place, kitchen, or travels. I pray in the name of the Lord Jesus, Amen!