《Today’s spiritual meditation》: “But just as he who called you is holy, so be holy in all you do” (1Pe 1:15)
Meditation one: Why do Christians have to live a holy life? It is because the God who called us is holy. We become God’s people because we believe in Christ and receive the honorable status of being children of God. God calls us is to want us to live a sanctified life in this world and live out the holiness of God. God only gives us one demand, which is to be holy. His only goal is to make people become saints. Holiness is not only a gift from God to you, but also needs you to live out the gift given by God through your life.
Meditation two: How can Christians live a holy life in “all you do”? It is to have God as the center in all things and to keep God’s holiness as our absolute standard. We must guard against anyone using circumstances ethics or situation ethics to challenge or even manipulate God’s standards of holiness. God’s standards will never change. We cannot be holy by ourselves, but God has given the Holy Spirit to help us and empower us to overcome transgressions.
Prayer: God heavenly Father, thank You for the abundant grace You have accomplished in Jesus Christ. Through Him I can draw near to the holy God. We are in a chaos of deteriorating world. Please increase my strength so that I can be different from this world and not follow the standards and trends of this world. You said: “Be holy, because I am holy” (1Pe 1:16). I am willing to live a life that is “transformed by the renewing of the mind”. I pray in the holy name of Jesus Christ, Amen!