





Bible Reading: Matthew 3

Insight: “Produce fruit in keeping with repentance.” (Mat 3:8)

Insight one: When you enter into the new year and take a new path, do you have a renewed self and a renewed heart? You have been baptized, but have you produced fruit in keeping with the gospel of Christ? You are a Christian, but have you produced fruit in keeping with repentance? True repentance does not refer to outward, verbal, or formal appearance. It means not only with a broken, contrite, and  ashamed heart for what one has done in the past, but determinedly to break up with the past, turn away from sin, return to the true God, and live in His will.

Insight two: Are you willing to live a new life as a new person in the new year? Humbly come to God and pray, “May God give me a new heart and put a new spirit in me; Remove from me my heart of stone (dead, lifeless) and give me a heart of flesh (lively, responsive).”(Eze 36:26). Thank the Lord that we trust in Christ and become a new creation in Christ. The old has gone, the new is here.

Prayer: God our Father, thank You for giving me the the new life. Guide me to truly live out a new spirit and a new life in the new year, which is filled with the fruit of the Holy Spirit. I am determined to live for you, and to live a more abundant, mature life and love you more than last year. I pray in the precious name of Jesus. Amen!
