




Bible Reading: Luke 9.

Insight:  “No one who puts a hand to the plow and looks back is fit for service in the kingdom of God.” (Luk 9:62)

Insight one: What is the highest priority in your life now? What position does Jesus Christ have in your heart? If you do not trust the Lord in full, He is not the Savior of your life, nor the master of your life.

Insight two: When Jesus calls for disciples, what is His expectation? He does not want them to be irresponsible, muddled, laidback Christians, but to be thorough, genuine, and down-to-earth disciples. They are to follow Christ entirely, exclusively, and willingly. The sacrifice love of the Lord has been given to you. Would you give your life to Him as a living sacrifice?

Prayer: Thank God that my life has a purpose because of Your calling. The kingdom of heaven is the narrow path of the cross, which is rugged and rough. Please strengthen my faith so that my eyes do not look at the environment but focus upon you. Please help me not to look back the world or wave my hand at the world, but only aspire to follow you intently. I pray in the name of the Lord Jesus. Amen!
