




Bible Reading: Acts 28.

Insight:  “He (Paul) proclaimed the kingdom of God and taught about the Lord Jesus Christ—with all boldness and without hindrance!” (Act 28:31)

Insight one: How do you make good use of your time when you are in trouble and lose your freedom? Paul lost his freedom under the supervision at Rome. What did he do? Did nothing? Wasted time? Felt Self-pity? Blamed others? No, he used the prison as a gospel workshop and preached boldly “the Kingdom of God” and “Lord Jesus” (v.23). Although his hands were bound by chains, God’s Word was not bound. During his trial in the Supreme Court, he even gave testimony of the name of the Lord.

Insight two: How do you compose your own life’s chapter? Where does it progress to? The twenty-eighth chapter of the book of Acts has not been over yet. It will not stop until the book about the return of Jesus Christ. Today God treats us gracefully and gives us the opportunity to write the unfinished book of Acts. As vessels of the Lord, we have the boldness to undertake the mission of evangelism and actively participate in the eternal plan of God.

Prayer: Dear Lord, thank You for the grace of Your salvation. Please open my spiritual vision and let me realize the brevity of human life. Please teach me to count my days that I may gain a heart of wisdom. Please also give me a strong and bold heart, no matter where I go, I would like to be Your messenger of the gospel. I pray in the precious name of the Lord Jesus, Amen!
