


默想二:聖經有何價值? _全部聖經是出於上帝所啟示的話語。神的話沒有一句不帶能力,神說有就有,祂的話語安定在天,永不改變(詩119:89)。聖經記載了上帝對人類的帶領和走向,也記載了上帝的旨意。當我們明白神的話,我們就能領受祂的應許。神的話就是靈,就是生命(約6:63)。我們只有透過每日的靈修的生活才能使靈命成長、服事有力、行路有光、過得勝的生活。 


Bible Reading: 2 Timothy 3.

Insight:“All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.” (2Ti 3:16-17) 

Insight one: If there is no Bible in the world, what will happen to this world? It is impossible for trivial human beings to know God, or has anything to do with the Creator of the entire universe. People will forever be fumbling in the dark, never have any hope, and lose the meaning of existences. But thank God, He used the Bible to convey to us the gospel from God, which is the good news about God’s beloved Son Jesus Christ coming to the world to save the world. Because of the salvation of Jesus Christ, the lives of thousands and thousands of people have been changed, which has affected every segments of humanity, every businesses and industries, and even the entire societies and nations. 

Insight two: What is the value of the Bible? The entire Bible is written with the words revealed by God. There is no word from God shall be void of power. God speaks and it is done. The word of Lord is eternal; it stands firm in the heavens (Psa 119:89). The Bible records how God has led and guided mankind, as well as God’s will. When we understand God’s words, we can receive His promise. The words of God are Spirit and are life. (Joh 6:63). Only through daily spiritual meditation, can we grow in spirit, serve with strength, walk in the light, and live a victorious life. 

Prayer: Thank God for giving Your words, which is a lamp for my feet, and a light on my path. Please teach me so I am willing to walk with You every day through Bible reading and meditation. Hide Your words in my heart, that I might not sin against You. Also ask You to give me the spiritual inspiration, not only to read in, but also to express out; not only to listen to Your words, but also to follow Your way. Let people see the glorious beauty of Christ in my life! I pray in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen! 
