




Bible Reading: Acts 16

Insight:  “About midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God, and the other prisoners were listening to them.” (Act 16:25)

Insight one: Have you ever been inexplicably accused, mercilessly attacked, vilified, and excluded for believing in Christ? Under such situation, is singing a hymn to praise Him as easy as praying for God’s mercy? It is not possible to sing a hymn of faith in the middle of a gloomy night without fully trust in God. At such moment, where is your faith?

Insight two: For a Christian’s life, God has never promised that sky is always blue, flowers are always strewing, sun is always shining, and all things always go smoothly. But God does promise us that no matter how gloomy a dark night can be, how bad a situation can be, He will give us enough grace and light for the way to help us through the chaos. The surrounding environment changes but His love for us will never change.   

Prayer: Abba Father, I praise You since You are my salvation, my song, and my strength. I am convinced that You are “my Savior, who daily bears my burdens” (Psa 68:19). Please strengthen my faith, no matter under what situation, I can still chant the praises of Faith. I pray in the precious name of Jesus, Amen!
