




Bible Reading: Mark 8.

Insight:  Lord Jesus said : ”What good is it for someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their soul? Or what can anyone give in exchange for their soul?” (Mar 8:36-37)

Insight one: Where do you put your life’s investment in? Are you focusing on this life, or on eternity? Is it in this world or in heaven? Is it worthy for you to gain the whole world, yet forfeit your soul? Never lay the value of life in the wrong place. The world is applicable only when people are alive; but one cannot exchange the world for life, because life is more precious than the world.

Insight two: How do you make the most of your short life time? Follow the Lord closely! Seize the opportunity to let the limited life be used by the Lord. To follow the Lord needs to pay the price of “denying oneself”. You must say “no” to the self-centered you. At the same time, you must say “yes” to the calling of God to us to “take up the cross”. You will sacrifice for Christ’s sake, but this is worthy, because you will have eternal life.

Prayer: Lord Jesus, thank You for Your calling. Even though the cross You laid on me is heavy yet it is not heavier than Your grace. Although the cross is a narrow path, it is the road toward the eternal life. Although the enjoyment of the world may be missing, I will have the abundance in the eternity. Give me wisdom that I may make the most of every opportunity and also walk in Your will. I pray in the name of the Lord Jesus, Amen!
