



Bible Reading: Luke 19.

Insight:  “For the Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost.” (Luk 19:10)

Insight one: Have you ever had such an experience? All the dreams you have chased come true, but in the blink of an eye they pass quickly, fly away, and return to the origin of emptiness. Are you wandering on the road of quandary, loneliness, and despair? Turn to the Lord Jesus now! When you look for the Lord Jesus with all your heart, you will be surprised to find that He has been waiting for you. He has been always looking for you. Just open the door of your heart, and He will enter your heart and give you peace.

Insight two: Do you know that the Lord Jesus really cares about you? He knew that Zacchaeus had money, but his heart was empty, and people were sick of him. But after accepting the Lord, his life was renewed. Today, the Lord knows you, understands your situation, and can even call out your name. When you invite the Lord into your heart, your life will be different. If anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here (2Co 5:17).

Prayer: My Lord, thank You for Your mercy. When I was helpless and lost, it was You who saved me through the love of Jesus. Oh Lord! I was such a sinner but was redeemed by You! Because of Your great love, I am willing to offer myself, and ask You to use me. Let me make decisions and actions like Zacchaeus did and become a blessing to others. I pray in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen!
