




Bible Reading: John 12.

Insight: “Hosanna! Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord! Blessed is the King of Israel!” (John 12:13) 

Insight 1: Does the crucifixion of Jesus Christ have anything to do with you? When the Lord Jesus entered Jerusalem in His last week on this world, the crowd cried out “Hosanna” to welcome Him, but that turned out to be the prelude of His Passion. What is even more puzzling is that those who had welcomed Him soon became those who shouted “Crucify Him”. Only those who truly understand the crucifixion of Jesus are those who truly van follow the Lord to the end.

Insight 2: The Lord Jesus is the King who came in the name of God, why didn’t He come on a chariot or riding a horse? And only mount a small donkey foal that no one has ever used before? He is the King, but He did not ascend the throne of the palace; He is noble yet meek; He is honorable but ordinary. He is the King of kings; rather, He is veiled in humiliation. He is so humble, do you know why?

Prayer: My dear Lord of guide, thank You for the great love that even came to such a sinner like me. When the churches all over the world remember Your suffering and death, please create in me a pure heart and renew a steadfast spirit within me, so that I can understand Your suffering as well as Your sacrificing love, and decide to live for You. I pray in the victorious name of Jesus Christ, Amen!
