


默想二:「彼此洗腳」是誰的責任?是每一位弟兄姊妹不可推託的責任!無論你到任何場合, 你不是要到那裡彼此詆毀、彼此論斷、彼此利用,而是要彼此相愛、彼此服事、彼此建立,榮耀主的名。耶穌關切的不是我們為祂做什麼,而是我們為彼此做了什麼。


Bible Reading: John 13.

Insight:  “Now that I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also should wash one another’s feet.” (Joh 13:14)

Insight one: Is it an important thing for today’s Church to “wash one another’s feet”? How can a church truly follow the commandment to “wash one another’s feet”? If we do not have the heart and the humble attitude of “loving unto the End” like Jesus Christ has (Joh 13:1), our “wash feet” will only become a religious ritual with no meaningful content. We need to learn the example that Jesus has set for us: come from the highest ascension to the most humbled servant. He puts down all things to associates with people of low position.

Insight two: Who holds the responsibility to “wash one another’s feet”? It is an obligated duty of every brother and sister! Regardless where you are, you should not go there and defame each other, judge each other, or take advantage on each other. In order to glorify the name of the Lord, we should love one another, serve one another, and build one another up. Jesus cares not about what we have done for Him, but what we have done for one another.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, thank You for becoming flesh and saved me through the love of Christ. Teach me, let me become an outpouring of Your love, Let Your love not end up as a slogan in my mouth, not just staying inside the church, instead mobilize the love to reach every needed individual. I pray in Jesus’ precious name. Amen!    
