
默想一:人要與神同心同行難嗎?不難的,難在人自己有罪。 當年以色列民因罪與神隔絕,不能與神同行。如今神在耶穌基督裡為我們的罪捨命在十字架, 因著祂我們得與神和好,成為神的兒女。我們蒙恩得救了,但我們與神的關係如何?與神的親密關係不是只在主日敬拜裡,而是在每時每刻與主的同心同行裡。 



“Today’s spiritual meditation”: “Do two walk together unless they have agreed to do so?” (Amos 3:3) 

Meditation one: Is it difficult for people to walk together with God and have agreed to do so? It is not hard, but the difficulty is that people have sin. At that time, the Israelites were separated from God because of sin and could not walk together with God. Now in Jesus Christ God died on the cross for our sins, and through Him we are reconciled to God and become children of God. We are saved by grace, but how is our relationship with God? The intimacy with God is not only during Sunday worships, but walk together and have agreed to do so in unity with the Lord every moment. 

Meditation two: Do you have a good relationship with God? How is your relationship with your spouse, family, and church? Most people think that as long as they “walk together and have agreed to do so” with others, everything can be accomplished and all things will go as wished. But the unity among Christians must be in accordance with God’s will, and obeying the truth of the Bible is the norm for our lives, so that what we do can be pleasing to God and to others. Christian’s unity is not simply to agree with him/herself, but to turn his/her heart to the Lord and to be contented to walk together with God. When we choose to walk together with God and agree to do so, marriage, family and church will see the blessing from God. 

Prayer: God Heavenly Father, thank You for Your great love in Jesus Christ. You are always ready for my needs 24 hours a day with the promise: “Come near to God and he will come near to you.” (James 4:8). I ask Your Holy Spirit to remind me all the time so that I can thirst for Your words. I also ask You to help me, and I am willing to keep up my daily spiritual life, think about Your words day and night, and use Your words to better understand Your will and set my mind on Your will. I pray in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, Amen! 
