




Bible Reading: Matthew 15.

Insight:  “These people honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me.They worship me in vain; their teachings are merely human rules.” (Mat 15:8-9)

Insight one: During worship service at church every Sunday, as long as we sing and praise God, listen to the sermon and give our offerings on time, does it mean we are worshiping God? No, worship is not just decrees and ordinances. It must be built upon the true relationship between the human heart and God. When one proclaims “Thank the Lord!” yet the heart is far away from God, worship becomes meaningless. It is like the eldest son in the parable of the prodigal son, although his body is at home, but his heart has been wandering far away.

Insight two: What kind of worship that God will never accept? It is those who “honor God with their lips, but their hearts are far from God.” They only pay attention to what people say, but they don’t care what God says. They even exalt people, taking man’s commands as truth, and taking people’s views as the revelation of God. Such worship is in vain. We must never worship a person as God. We “worship the Lord our God, and serve (worship) Him only” (Mat 4:10). We only worship the God who created human, not any man-made god.

Prayer: Thank God, You are worthy to receive the praise, the adoration, and the honor. Please teach me how to worship You in spirit and truth. In daily life, I will cherish the close relationship with You. Lord! I want to live a godly and consistent life everywhere and at any time. I pray in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen!
