

默想一: 基督徒憑什麼在遇到大風大浪時,不用害怕?因為我們是神的兒女,祂絕對不會丟棄我們為孤兒。我們在關鍵的時刻裡,我們必須透過上帝的眼光來看環境,而不是透過環境看上帝。只有透過上帝看環境,我們才能得到上帝所賜的意外平安。我們用感覺的眼睛看困難就緊張,但我們如果用信心的眼睛看主的應許,就不會懼怕。



Bible Reading: Mark 6.

Insight:  “Immediately Jesus spoke to them and said, “Take courage! It is I. Don’t be afraid.”” (Mar 6:50)

Insight one: Why would Christians not be afraid when encounter strong winds and waves? Because we are children of God, He will never abandon us as orphans. At critical moments, we must look at the environment through God’s eyes, not look at God through the environment. Only by looking around the environment through God can we see the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding. We are nervous when we see difficulties with the eyes of our own sense, but if we look at the promises of the Lord with the eyes of faith, we will not be afraid.

Insight two: In the sea of ​​life, can people get away from any storms? It is not possible! However, Christians can experience the peace mind in the middle of the storm even encountering strong squall. It is because the Lord Jesus said, “Take courage! It is I. Don’t be afraid.” God often uses “storms” to refine our faith so that we know God better and grow stronger spiritually. For this reason, let’s not focus on “Lord, why encounter such catastrophe?” But “Lord, what should I learn from this catastrophe?”

Prayer: Heavenly Father, thank You for your living hope. There are many sufferings in this world, but You said that we can take heart because You have overcome the world, I believe that all storms are not only under Your permission, but also take place for Your purpose to bring me to the topmost of my faith. Therefore I trust and obey You. I pray in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen!
