


默想二:基督徒為什麼是有活潑的盼望的一群?因我們所信的神是活的神(The Living God),也是活人的神(God of the living)。基督徒也會死,但他們的生命依然存在,因他們早就得到永不衰殘的榮耀身體,這就是信耶穌得永生的意義,也是基督徒的盼望所在。


Bible Reading: Luke 20.

Insight:  “He is not the God of the dead, but of the living, for to Him all are alive.” (Luk 20:38)

Insight one: What is the most significant evidence differentiated Christianity from ordinary religions? It is that we believe the Lord Jesus has risen from the dead for our sins. This is something that cannot be comprehended by the limited human mind. “Death is like a diminished lamp” or “reincarnation” has become a common conjecture of the afterlife. But Christians believe in the power of the Trinity God: We understand the Bible through God’s own revelation and the light of the Holy Spirit. Only through Jesus Christ can we truly know God.

Insight two: Why are Christians a group of people with living hope? Because the God we believe in is the Living God and the God of the living. Christians also die, but their lives still exist, because they have long received a glorious body that will never fade away. This is what it means to believe in Jesus for eternal life, and it is the hope of Christians.

Prayer: God heavenly Father, thank You for granting the eternal life. You are not only the resurrected Lord, but also the Lord of life. Please be with me, and keep my eyes fixed on every step of the way that You want me to go. May Your power of resurrection be lived out as the pleasing aroma. I pray in the victorious name of Jesus, Amen!
