



禱告:恩主,感謝袮為我明定生活的至高原則。求袮的聖靈時時刻刻地充滿我, 我需要聖靈來管理我心,讓我的所作所為,所行所思都只為袮的榮耀而行。主的靈在哪裡,哪裡就有自由(林後3:17)。禱告是奉我主耶穌寶貴的聖名,阿們!

Bible reading: 1 Corinthians 6.

Insight:  “I have the right to do anything,” you say—but not everything is beneficial. “I have the right to do anything”—but I will not be mastered by anything.” (1Co 6:12)

Insight one: What does Christian’s freedom mean? It has the right to do anything, but it is not in the passion of sinning against people and against God, instead doing “beneficial” things: spiritual growth, loves the Lord more, honor God and benefit others. Christians can do anything, but will not be mastered by anything. Ask God to help us, relying on the might of God to overcome bad routines and habits, so that what we do is beneficial for ourselves, people, and God.

Insight two: What is the essential principle of a Christian’s manner of life? Whatever you do, it is for glorifying God. We will not do anything or try anything that has nothing to do with building up people and glorifying God, lest we test God, and simply give place to the devil.

Prayer: Lord of mercy, thank You for setting the ultimate principle of the manner of life for me. Please have Your Holy Spirit to fill in me all the time. I need the Holy Spirit to rule my heart, so that whatever I do or whatever I have in mind is only for the glory of You. Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom (2Co 3:17). I prayer is in the precious holy name of my Lord Jesus, Amen!
