
默想:「務要傳道!無論得時不得時,總要專心,並用百般的忍耐,各樣的教訓,責備人、警戒人、勸勉人。」(提後4:2 ) 

默想一:弟兄姊妹,你得救以後,是一直倚賴人的餵養嗎?保羅說:「我栽種了,亞波羅澆灌了,惟有神叫他生長」(林前3: 6)。我們蒙恩得救是為報恩,報恩的具體行動是傳福音。我們只管將福音的種子撒出去,聖靈自會在人心裏工作。人做的只是撒種、澆灌的工作,惟有神才能使人的生命成長。真正跟上帝關係好的人,凡事都會全力以赴,不論他們的感覺如何。 



Bible Reading: 2 Timothy 4.

Insight:“Preach the word; be prepared in season and out of season; correct, rebuke and encourage—with great patience and careful instruction.” (2Ti 4:2) 

Insight one: Brothers and sisters, have you still been depending on others to feed you since the day you were saved? Paul said, “I planted the seed, Apollos watered it, but God has been making it grow” (1Co 3:6). We received the grace of salvation is for the purpose of responding the grace. The genuine action of responding the grace is to preach the gospel. We simply sow the seeds of the gospel, and the Holy Spirit will work in the hearts of the people. What we do is just to plant and to water. Only God can make people’s lives to grow. People who truly have a good relationship with God will do their best, which matters not how they feel. 

Insight two: Why do Christians have to “preach the word” regardless in season or out of season? This is because, in the last days, people’s hearts will not endure the sound doctrine, but having itching ears, and prefer to satisfy their own desires with contented new teachings, new theologies, new mysteries, and new truth. We often think a strong spirit means “in season” and a weak spirit indicates “out of season”. If you want to wait until your spirit is mature, then Satan will continue disturbing you to let you find excuses for not preaching the gospel. In fact, before God, whenever you evangelize, it is “in season”. Do not wait until you feel good then preach the gospel. 

Prayer: Thank God heavenly Father, because You have given me eternal life as a gift. Since I have the assurance of eternal life, my day is full of joy and hope. Please use me and give me courage. I am willing to share the gospel with others under any circumstances, so others can also receive the blessings of the gospel that we have. I pray in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen! 
