




Bible Reading: 1 Timothy 5.

Insight:“Anyone who does not provide for their relatives, and especially for their own household, has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever.” (1Ti 5:8) 

Insight one: Why is it our Christians’ responsibility to look after relatives? Since when Christians do not care about their relatives, it is simply denying the connotation of faith. For faith without works, God will not bless. If one loves God, must loves one’s parents, relatives, and friends; in the same way, if one loves God but does not love the visible parents, relatives, and friends, then the love is hypocritical, and the faith on God is in vain. We not only serve enthusiastically in the church, but also should do our duty of honoring our parents and caring for our relatives at home. 

Insight two: What should we do with family members who have not yet believed in the Lord? Leading family members to believe in the Lord is indeed challenge, but we can rely on the Lord’s grace to shine for God in our lives, live a Godly life in our family, do our part, and constantly intercede for them by their names. God truly will listen the prayer. We have tasted and seen that the Lord is good; shouldn’t we share the gospel with our families? God promises us that “I can do all this through Him who gives me strength.” (Php 4:13) 

Prayer: Dear Lord, thank You. Because You established a family for me, You also gave me the responsibility of being light and salt in my house. But how often I am impatient, and I often failed to care for my family, relatives and friends, and do not have a good testimony in front of my family. I beg for Your mercy and forgiveness of my sins. Please teach me how to look after them, care for them, and compassionate them with Your love, so that the name of the Lord may be glorified among my loved ones. I intercede in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, Amen! 
