




Bible Reading: James 2.

Meditation:  :  “You see that a person is considered righteous by what they do and not by faith alone.” (Jas 2:24)

Meditation one: Why faith is not accompanied by action is dead? It is because having a body without a soul is not a complete person: the body must have the soul to make it complete; in the same way, faith alone without deeds is not a complete faith; faith must accompany with deeds to make it complete. In the beginning that God created man, He commended that the body along with the soul to become a living being (Gens 2:7). If we only have faith without deeds, we live in vain in this world, like walking dead.

Meditation two: Is your faith alive? Or is it dead? You have faith, but do you have any practical actions regarding dedication, mission, worship, and caring? You have love, but does your love bring people peace and joy? You have hope, but do you hold firmly the eternal hope in all kinds of adversity? A living faith does not need to be spoken out by yourself; people can see and feel it. What really proves that you are saved is the life you have lived after believing in the Lord. Faith is perfected by deeds. True faith will live out a true life.

Prayer: God heavenly Father, thank You for your mercy and wonderful grace. May the Holy Spirit lives in my heart, fills me and guides me, therefore the words I hear is consistent with the the things I do, so my faith is also consistent with my deeds. May You teach me to live a life that is commensurate with my faith every day. I pray in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen!
