




Bible Reading: Hebrews 13

Insight:  “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.” (Heb 13:8)

Insight one: In this short and temporary world, whom do you rely on? Are they your parents, friends, theologians, educators, politicians, movie stars, or the president? Eventually, they all will be leaving you someday. However, to trust the Lord is reassuring, because our Lord has overcome the world (Joh 16:33). He has promised never to leave us, and the love that He revealed to us will abide forever.

Insight two: Why is the Lord Jesus worthy of our trust for our entire lifetime?  What has He done for you? Though He was rich, yet for our sake He became poor, but He is still the same. He was persecuted and humiliated in this world, but His love for us never changes, and even death cannot change Him. He was buried and resurrected, and He is still the same Lord we believe in. Today, He sits on the right hand of the throne of God, but He still has not changed. We have such a Lord who changes not, surely we have to dedicate our whole lives to thank and praise Him.

Prayer: God heavenly Father, I want to thank You. For the world is changing, but You are the same yesterday, today, and forever. Your grace, love, faithfulness, power, supply, and protection will never change. Since I have a living God, I am no longer worried about tomorrow or the future. Please continue to strengthen my faith. Let my whole life only worship You, love You, follow You, and serve You. I pray in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen!
