
默想一:我們為何要聽從神這最大的誡命呢? 因為耶和華我們神是獨一的主。除祂以外, 並無別神。神命令以色列民要聽,是提醒他們莫忘神如何拯救他們出埃及,脫離奴隸的轄制,這都是神主動的愛。如今我們蒙恩,我們當以愛來回應神。當我們懂得如何愛上帝,我們才能明白上帝愛我們有多深!

默想二:神要我們「盡心、盡性、盡力」愛祂是什麼意思?就是要我們從裡到外, 毫無保留地用全心、全人以及我們所擁有的一切資源來愛神。神如此的要求未免太過份了吧? 其實不是, 因為神正是以這樣的愛來愛我們。祂愛我們到一個地步,甚至犧牲自己的愛子耶穌捨命在十字架上。愛神的,就會遵守祂的誡命。 


《Today’s spiritual meditation》:  “Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God, the LORD is one.  Love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength.” (Deu 6:4-5)

Meditation one: Why should we obey the greatest commandment of God? Because the Lord our God is the only Lord. There is no other god besides Him. God commanded the Israelites to listen and remind them not to forget how God rescued them from Egypt and out of slavery. This is God’s proactive love. Now that we have received the grace, we should respond to God with love. When we know how to love God, we can then understand how deeply God loves us!

Meditation two: What does it mean that God wants us to love Him “with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength “? It is to ask us to love God from the inside out, wholeheartedly, with our whole heart, whole person, and all the resources we have. Has God requested too much? Actually it is not, because God loves us with exactly this kind of love. He loves us to such an extent that He even sacrificed His beloved Son Jesus to die on the cross. Those who love God will obey His commandments.

Prayer: God Heavenly Father, thank You for Your words. Please open the ears of my soul so that I can hear your words clearly. Please help me. In reverent fear, I am willing to obey Your orders. I know that it is not easy to love You “with all my heart, soul, and strength”, but I believe that “everything can be done by Him Who strengthens me” (Phi 4:13). I pray in the name of the Lord Jesus, Amen!
