Sunday Worship Services
We are a group of non-denominational, evangelical Christians with a simple goal to follow Christ and make disciples. Regardless of your age, background, profession or language, we want to welcome you into our church family! Please see below for more information about our Sunday services.
English Worship Service
9:30am - 10:45am
Chinese Worship Service
11:15am - 12:30pm
Communion is observed only in services that fall during the first week of every month.
Sunday School
English Sunday SchoolS
(Adult, Youth, Children)
11:15am - 12:30pm
(LOGOS Building)
Chinese Sunday School
9:30am - 10:30am
(LOGOS Building)
We currently conduct two worship services every Sunday morning: The first service at 9:30am is in English; the second service at 11:15 am is in Mandarin with Cantonese translation (available upon request).
Our English Service worship style is contemporary, while our Chinese Service is more traditional.
Occasionally, we do combine both services which begin at 10:30am. To check which Sundays are combined, please visit the Events page.
We currently conduct two worship services every Sunday morning: The first service at 9:30am is in English; the second service at 11:15 am is in Mandarin with Cantonese translation (available upon request).
Our English Service worship style is contemporary, while our Chinese Service is more traditional.
Occasionally, we do combine both services which begin at 10:30am. To check which Sundays are combined, please visit the Events page.
The English worship service begins at 9:30am in the Sanctuary with communal worship songs led by our praise band. It is generally followed by a time of announcements, prayer, scripture reading, a sermon message, and communion (on the first Sundays of every month). Services are then wrapped up with a closing worship song and benediction.
We want you to feel at home as soon as you walk through our front doors. There will be a greeter to welcome you in the doors and an usher to welcome you into the worship service. Feel free to reach out to them with any questions you may have.
Rest assured, we will not single you out as a first time visitor. However, we would love to meet you and give you more information about our church during your visit, so please stop by the welcome booth in the front lobby after service to meet our welcome team and get connected with new people, fellowships, ministries, and upcoming events!
During service:
- An observation room for parents with infants is at the sanctuary’s right rear.
- Childcare for infants and toddlers is in Room 121 from 9:30-10:45AM.
- Kid’s Church (K-5th Grade) is in Room 119 from 9:30-10:35AM
After service:
- Kids’ Worship takes place at the Logos Stage Area from 11:00-11:30AM
- Kids’ Sunday School is from 11:30-12:30PM in various rooms