请在浏览器中启用JavaScript来完成此表单。Parent/Guardian Name *前一页后一页Cell Phone *###-###-####Home Phone###-###-####電子郵件 *Address *Street Address, City, State, ZipHome ChurchEmergency Contact Name *前一页后一页Emergency Contact Number *###-###-####Person(s) other than Guardian authorized to pick up your child(ren) (must be 18 years or older):Child 1's Name *前一页后一页NicknameAge *Grade *Birthdate *MM/DD/YYYYAllergies or Special NeedsCheck all that apply.Need bookNeed uniformUniform size (if needed)S - SmallM - MediumL - LargeXL - X LargeXXL - XX LargeYS - Youth SmallYM - Youth MediumYL - Youth LargeAS - Adult SmallAM - Adult MediumAL - Adult LargeChild 2's Name前一页后一页NicknameAgeGradeBirthdateMM/DD/YYYYAllergies or Special NeedsCheck all that apply.Need bookNeed uniformUniform size (if needed)S - SmallM - MediumL - LargeXL - X LargeXXL - XX LargeYS - Youth SmallYM - Youth MediumYL - Youth LargeAS - Adult SmallAM - Adult MediumAL - Adult LargeChild 3's Name前一页后一页NicknameAgeGradeBirthdateMM/DD/YYYYAllergies or Special NeedsCheck all that apply.Need bookNeed uniformUniform size (if needed)S - SmallM - MediumL - LargeXL - X LargeXXL - XX LargeYS - Youth SmallYM - Youth MediumYL - Youth LargeAS - Adult SmallAM - Adult MediumAL - Adult LargeTerms and Conditions *I understand that my child/children may participate in physical activities such as those held during game time. As with any physical activity, there is risk of injury. I fully accept and hold harmless from any legal liability Chinese Christian Church Baltimore and any persons involved in the Awana Club Ministry.In the event of an emergency that requires medical treatment for the above named child/children, I understand that every effort will be made to contact me or my designated emergency contact person. If I/we cannot be contacted, I give permission for the Awana volunteers to secure appropriate medical care as necessary for my child’s well-being. I assume responsibility to all costs associated with any accident or treatment of my child.I grant permission for photos of my child/children to be used for in house presentations, brochures, and newsletters so long as no identifying information is shown.I understand that checking this box and entering my full name below constitutes a legal signature confirming that I acknowledge and agree to the above Terms of Acceptance.Parent/Guardian Signature *前一页后一页Date *MM/DD/YYYY姓名提交Note: Costs per child are $30 for a uniform and handbook. Please bring cash or a check with you if you would like to purchase these for your child(ren).