



《Today’s spiritual meditation》:  “For though we live in the world, we do not wage war as the world does. The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds.” (2Co 10:3-4 )

Meditation one: Can Christians get away from spiritual warfare in the world? This is not possible. Before Satan is bound and thrown into the the fiery lake of burning sulfur, It will vigorously confront the children of God and destroy the Church of God. While you don’t sense the shade of the spiritual warfare, or don’t care, you may have already, inadvertently, been plundered by Satan.

Meditation two: How can we win wholly in a spiritual battle? First of all, we have to recognize the object of the war. We are not fighting against people, but the evil spirit in the heavenly realms.  It is the manipulator behind the hearts of the people. It urges people to serve God with flesh and blood, to do spiritual things with the worldly set, and to deal with the ministries of the Church by the ways and means of the world. Nevertheless, we can be more than conquerors through God’s power – to watch and pray, obey God’s words, and be filled with the Holy Spirit all the time.

Prayer: God heavenly Father, thank You. Because I have You, who can stand against me? Because of You, who can accuse me? Because of You, who can judge me? Because of You, who can separate me from the love of Christ? Please increase my faith. I trust that You can make me more than conquerors in all these things. I pray in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen!
