《今日靈修默想》:耶穌(對被群鬼所附而得釋放的)說:「你回家去,到你的親屬那裏,將主為你所做的是何等大的事,是怎樣憐憫你,都告訴他們。」(可 5:19 )




《Today’s spiritual meditation》: Jesus said (to the man who had been possessed then released), “Go home to your own people and tell them how much the Lord has done for you, and how he has had mercy on you.” (Mat 5:19)

Meditation one: When you are joyfully experiencing the salvation by believing in the Lord, have you ever desired to share it with your family? Sometimes preaching the gospel to your family is not easy, but you can let them see Christ in you through your daily life. Seize every opportunity to save the souls of your family. Leading them to believe in the Lord is the most truthful response of loving the Lord and the most genuine action of loving your family.

Meditation two: What is the major obstacle when preaching the gospel to relatives? It is that there is no good testimony! Testimony is not about how good you are, nor is it to make them envy your eminence and success as a Christian, but to witness the changes that have been made since Jesus lives in your heart. Your “teaching by example” is more important than your “explaining in words”. The trust of your family in the Lord is not depending on your eloquence, knowledge, ability, but your daily thoughtfulness and prayer. Prayer: Thank You God, for I am blessed through Your grace. It is not easy to make Christ the head of a family, but I believe that nothing is too hard for You. Please shine on me, and let my words and deeds, the thoughts in my mind and every word in my mouth be blessed through the anointing from the the Holy Spirit. I pray in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen!
