

默想二: 神存留我們在地上的目的是什麼?只為世上的一切享樂嗎?不是的。神在我們的身上,都有祂最美好的計畫和目的,就是分享福音,領人歸主。神的心意是願萬人得救,不願一人沉淪。我們當趁著還有今日,盡力地傳福音。今生為主多受勞苦,在天上多享榮耀。


《Today’s spiritual meditation》:  “Therefore, my dear brothers and sisters, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain.” (1Co 15:58)

Meditation one: because you are a Christian, do you bear a lot of hardships? Are you almost not able to hold on to serve the Lord? Don’t forget to turn to the Lord Jesus, who has risen from the dead for you. Whatever difficulties and challenges, in Christ, “stand firm. Let nothing move you”, because He is our victorious King. Everything we have encountered is by no means meaningless or in vain in Christ. We must not let anything distract our faith in the Lord.

Meditation two: What is God’s purpose for keeping us living on this land? Is it only to enjoy all the worldly happiness? This is not true. God has all His best plans and purposes for us. God wants us to share the gospel and bring people to the Lord. God wants all people to be saved and not anyone to perish. We should seize any present moment to do our best to preach the gospel. One labors much for the Lord in this life will enjoy the more glory in heaven.

Prayer: God heavenly Father, thank You for Your victory in Christ and making us the children of victory. Please help me, strengthen my decision to follow You throughout my whole life, and never turn away. Please also teach me so that every day I not only live a victorious life according to Your will, but also live a joyful life to serve You. I pray in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen!
