



《Today’s spiritual meditation》:  “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!” (2Co 5:17)

Meditation one: Is there any difference before and after you were born again in the Lord? Do your friends, colleagues, classmates, and families observe your changes and envy your Christian life? If you are born again, the Holy Spirit will make a remarkable change in your factual life and mind. The way you perceive things is no longer the same, your longing is no longer the same, and your past hobbies may no longer attract you anymore.  “In Christ”, means one’s life is unified with the life of Christ, will seek after the growth in spiritual life, and live out the life of Christ.

Meditation two: Are you not going to become a new creation unless you are in Christ? Yes, because the moment you accept Jesus, the Holy Spirit gives a new life and transforms your inner being, including your deep-rooted pride, arrogance, viewpoint, temper, hobbies, and bad habits. You do not need to fix or replace the old self, because Christ has given you a new life. Both your soul and your life have been renewed by Him.

Prayer: Dear Lord, I praise You. Because of Your new creation; I can have a new soul, a new life, a new hope, a new norm, a new vision, and a new value system. Because of Your love and mercy, You have giving me the promise of eternal life. May You teach me how to live for You in every moment, and let my manner of life be worthy of the calling. I pray in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen!
