
默想一: 世界有可能和平嗎?自從有聯合國以來,和平的夢想一直無法實現。若想要有真實的、永恆的和平,唯有藉著耶穌基督寶血的功效。世上所有的血都是有罪的,只有沒有罪的耶穌的寶血具有洗淨罪污及赦罪的功效。也只有祂是我們與神與人之間和睦的橋樑。耶穌基督能成就真平安與真和平,因為祂為此而生,祂的名字叫和平的君王。



《Today’s spiritual meditation》:  “For he is our peace, who made both one, and brake down the middle wall of partition, having abolished in his flesh the enmity.” (Eph 2:14-15)

Meditation one: Is it possible for the world to have peace? Since the establishment of the United Nations, the dream of peace has never been materialized. If we want to have a true, eternal peace, the only way is through the blood of Jesus Christ. All the blood from this world is sinful, and only through the power of the blood of Jesus that does not have sin can wash away and forgive sins. He is the only bridge of reconciliation between God and human. Jesus Christ can achieve true peace and real harmony, for He was born for it, and His name is the Prince of Peace.

Meditation two: Why can we get along with one another in the church/family today? This is because we are all new creatures created by the Lord Jesus Christ. It is not possible to live together according to our own nature, and it is even harder to serve the Lord with one heart. But when we accept the Lord and become new creations, we can become members of one another under the integration of the Holy Spirit, unify in spirit, and build up ourselves in the love of Christ.

Prayer: God heavenly Father, thank You for letting me become a partaker in the kingdom of God. For what You have accomplished, I am no longer foreigner and stranger, but a fellow citizen with God’s people and also members of His household (Eph 2:19). Please help me to be willing to become the messenger of love, and glorify You with all my life. I pray in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen!
