《Today’s spiritual meditation》: “… I will put my laws in their minds and write them on their hearts. I will be their God, and they will be my people.” (Heb 8:10)
Meditation one: What does it mean that God “put the laws in their minds and write them on their hearts”? It is to write the laws of God, that is, the words of God, on the tablet of human hearts (2Co 3:3). God says: “I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you; I will remove from you your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh” (Eze 36:26). This heart of flesh is a living heart, a soft heart, a submissive heart, and a teachable heart. Once the flesh-heart given by God enters a person’s mind, through the revelation of the spirit of truth, he/she will have a close spiritual relationship with God. Not only he/she can understand God’s will, but is also willing to do things according to God’s will.
Meditation two: How is your relationship with God the Father, the Almighty Creator? This is associated with your perspective towards your life in this world. If God says to you; “I am your God Abba Father, you are my precious child”, then you can have complete confidence while living in this world because He has affirmed your identity and His relationship. In fact, God separates us from this world in order to live among us and to fellowship among us. As a child of God, under all circumstances, you can securely “trust and obey” every plan and will that He has set for you, He will lead your throughout your life time.
Prayer: God heavenly Father, I want to praise You. Without Your initiative to send the Lord Jesus Christ to be crucified for us on the cross, to resurrect on the third day, to be taken up into heaven, and to sit on the right hand of the Almighty God, our sins will never be forgiven, and we will never be able to enjoy being children of God. Please help me; I am willing to read Your words, meditate day and night, as well as being willing to live out Your words through my daily life. I pray in the precious name of Jesus, Amen!