《Year-end spiritual meditation 1》: “The third time He said to him, “Simon son of John, do you love me?” He said, “Lord, you know all things; You know that I love You.” . . . Then He said to him, “Follow me!”” (Joh 21:17-19)
Meditation one: Year 2020 is approaching to an end, do you bear any thought? If the Lord Jesus asks you “Do you love me?” Can you say “Lord, yes, You know that I love you” just like what the apostle Peter said? If the Lord Jesus asks you, “You love me, but where is your love for me”? Then introspect yourself whether your love for the Lord is more solid, deeper, and mature this year than last year?
Meditation two: If the Lord Jesus asks you again, “Are you willing to follow me”? This is not just a question of willingness, but a question of whether there is any action. Love the Lord is not a slogan on the lips, but needs practical action to show it. Do you have love for God but also have love for people? Do you have faith but also have actions? Do you listen to the word but ever be a doer? Do you go to church but ever serve? Do you give offering but willingly? Do you worship but in spirit and truth?
Prayer: Thank You God, because You have revealed the perfect love through the Lord Jesus on the cross. You have poured out everything to save us. How can I forget Your sacrificing love? Please use me, I would like to adore You, exalt You, follow You, serve You, and proclaim You all my life. I pray in the holy name of Jesus Christ. Amen!