




Bible Reading: Mark 15.

Insight:  “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” (Mar 15:34)

Insight one: When the Lord Jesus was crucified, what made Him crying out “why”? Was He complaining, moaning, dreading, or protesting? No! It was because He carried the sins of all the people in the world and thus He was forsaken by God at that moment. All the curse that all the people deserved was upon Him (Gal 3:13), which led Him a substantial feeling of abandonment and isolation deep in His heart. The only reasoning for the suffering Jesus experienced was that He was wholly for the sake of the sins of our world. God loves the world. He wants all people to be saved and not anyone to perish.

Insight two: In your life time, have you ever speechlessly cried out “why”? If God exists, why hides His face from me? If God loves me, why is He silent to me? In fact, God does not forsake us. He is faithful, and His love changes not. Don’t waste time asking God why? What you want to do is to turn to God in time, and He says, “Whoever comes to me I will never drive away”. (Joh 15:34)

Prayer: Thank God for the salvation that You have accomplished on the cross through Jesus Christ. I am given the grace because of the redemption of Jesus Christ. Please shine on me, let me realize the profundity and significance of your suffering for me, and live out a thankful life for You every day. I pray in the name of the Lord Jesus, Amen!
