



《Today’s spiritual meditation》:  “Not by might nor by power, but by my Spirit.” (Zec 4:6b)

Meditation one: What is the secret of a Christian’s victorious life? It does not depend on how many years you have believed in the Lord, or whether you have special gifts or have rich life experience. All these things cannot accomplish any great spiritual work for the Lord.  Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit (Gal 5:25). Only those who are humbly guided by the Holy Spirit and filled and ruled by the Holy Spirit can lead toward a victorious life.

Meditation two: What is today’s greatest crisis of a church? It is neither because there is no sound organization, talent, money, or resources, nor because there is no methodology, strategies, or dexterities, but due to there is no power — no help to families, no testimonies to the society, and no influence over the world. This all has to do with the church not “relying on” the Holy Spirit. The church is a spiritual kingdom. Only when a church is filled with the Holy Spirit can bring joy, power, and freedom, so that brothers and sisters can experience God’s love. A church has the workmanship of  the Holy Spirit will make “the people walking in darkness have seen a great light; on those living in the land of deep darkness a light has dawned” (Isa 9:2).

Prayer: God heavenly Father, thank You for giving us the Holy Spirit to be the help and strength in time of need. Please guide me, for spiritual things can only be accomplished by Your Spirit. Teach me, through daily spiritual meditation, to obey the Holy Spirit’s guidance at all times, and live a life according to Your will. I pray in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen!
