
默想一:主耶穌為人類完成了人不可能完成的任務是什麼?就是祂在十字架上宣告「成了!」的事實。這表明耶穌成功地成就了神託付的救贖大工。祂在十字架上擔當了所有人的罪,藉著祂的死付清了我們犯罪的代價。「成了!」並不是「完蛋了。」而是主耶穌為人類的罪債「付清了!」 藉著祂打開了永生之門。




《Today’s spiritual meditation》:  “When he had received the drink, Jesus said, “It is finished.” With that, he bowed his head and gave up his spirit.” (Joh 19:30)

Meditation one: What is the task that is impossible for human beings to achieve but was accomplish by Jesus the Lord? It is the true fact that He declared “It is finished!” on the cross. This shows that Jesus succeeded in fulfilling the great task of redemption given by God. He carried all our sins on the cross and payed the price of our sins through His death. “It is finished!” does not mean “ended”. It means the debts of our sins have been “paid off” by Jesus. Through Him, the door to the eternity has been opened.

Meditation two: Was the life of the Lord Jesus been taken away by human beings? Was He forced to be dead by sinners? Neither is true! Instead He laid Himself down of His own accord (Joh 10:18), but also fulfilled the will of the Father. The Lord Jesus died for our sins, but now He is resurrected and lives forever.

Prayer: Lord Jesus, thank You for Your triumph on the cross. You did not die on the cross but gave up Your spirit to the God of eternity. Because of Your salvation, I am willing to dedicate the rest of my life to You. I pray in Your precious name, Amen!

Intercession: Pray for the revival of churches around the world. Pray that the Holy Spirit will give the hearts of unity to the churches so that the house of God will carry out the mission of Christ together. Let’s extend the love and hope of God to the world of darkness and despair through our concerted effort. Let the true light of Christ illuminate the whole world.
